PS11 SLT Overview
Collaborative faculty-parent team managing academic needs, implementing education plans, and organizing family workshops.
The School Leadership Team SLT is a collaborative team made up of an equal number of faculty and parents. Members include the Principal UFT Representative, and PTA President (or their appointee) and our Community Based Organization (CBO) representative, in addition to five parent members and three elected members of the PS11 faculty.
The PS11 SLT has two primary responsibilities. One is to evaluate the academic needs of PS11 students and produce a Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) that proposes ways to meet those needs, in alignment with the school budget for the following school year. The other is to monitor whether the current CEP is being implemented, and to ensure that proper resources are allocated to implement the current CEP. The most current CEP is available at the DOE's PS11's official school portal on the NYCDOE website. To view the CEP, scroll down to the section of the page titled Comprehensive Education Plans and find 02M011 in the pull down menu.
In addition to these responsibilities, the PS11 SLT also chooses to organize Family Workshops that foster parental involvement, community building and provide valuable information and tools to students, parents and guardians throughout the school year.
How to raise an issue with the SLT
Although regularly scheduled PS11 SLT meetings are open to the entire school community, according to SLT by-laws, observers may not participate in discussions during SLT meetings. However, if you have an item you would like the SLT to address or if you would like to attend an SLT meeting, please contact the SLT (at least one week in advance) at [email protected].
The PS11 SLT welcomes community involvement in creating enrichment programming available to our students and community events for our familes. We receive many more requests than can be implemented during each school year. To help us evaluate which proposals can be considered for further development, we have established the PS11 SLT Enrichment Proposal Protocol.
Attendances and Participation of Non-Team Members
All regularly scheduled team meetings will be open to the public. Requests to speak at SLT meetings are subject to approval by the SLT. All such requests must be submitted in writing to the Chairperson at least one week in advance of the scheduled meeting for approval. Non-members are encouraged to bring issues of concern to their constituent representative(s) on the team prior to team meetings. Requests for topics of discussion should be submitted in writing at least one week in advance of the meeting date.
Joining the SLT
The SLT parent elections are held each June directly following the PTA elections. The term for each member is 2 years and requires a time commitment of one 2-hour meeting per month and several parent workshop events held at school throughout the year. Members should make every effort to attend all meetings and events, but may miss only 2 meetings per calendar year. For a full understanding of the commitment, please review the SLT by-laws.
For more, please read this November 2018 letter from the SLT, explaining more about what the SLT does.
PS11 SLT Meeting Policies
SLT has 10-11 2-hour meetings per year. In accordance with the SLT Bylaws, members are allowed only two absences, and must be at 3/4 of a meeting to be counted as in attendance. In addition, the SLT holds Family Workshops on a variety of topics, as well as Curriculum Connection Seminars throughout the year. If you wish to attend an SLT meeting, please refer to Attendances and Participation of Non-Team Members procedures in the SLT Bylaws and contact [email protected].
2023-2024 SLT Members
- Bob Bender, Principal
- John Swierczewski (teacher)
- Samantha Labombarda (Teacher)
- Jacklyn Lawlow (Teacher)
- Robert Simmons (Teacher)
- Courtney Kapes Lewis (PTA President Designee)
- Chad Sandifer (Parent)
- Laura Tagliareni (Parent)
- Navya Singh (Parent)
- Jeffrey Gardner (Parent)
- Deborah Osborne (CBO)
SLT Meeting Calendar
- September 16, 2024
- October 1, 2024
- November 12, 2024
- December 3, 2024
- January 7, 2025
- February 4, 2025
- March 4, 2025
- April 1, 2025
- May 6, 2025
- June 3, 2025